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Okuapemman Association of USA and Canada (OKUSACA) 


The Okuapemman Association of United States of America and Canada (OKUSACA) is a Ghanaian diasporan association seeking to bring together all Okuapemmans abroad under one umbrella to share impactful ideas and contribute to archive a common goal for members and Okuapeman as a whole.

Chapters & Affiliates

OKUSACA currently has 10 member associations known as Chapters, along with two Affiliate associations that have not yet achieved full-member status.


OKUSACA has reached out to and linked up with our sister organization in Europe, Okuapemman Europe so our respective organizations can work in tandem towards the common goal of mobilizing our people (the general memberships of our two organizations) to pull our strengths, talents, time and resources together in a joint effort to achieve a better life... Click below to view a list of the Chapters and Affiliates with their current Presidents:


Build Community

Empower our Members

Support Project

Member Support


Supporting Our Communities


For College

Meat our well deserved winners 

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